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Dynamic Frame Position??


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I need a rule that will change a particular text frame's position depending on the value of a specific field. Is this possible or do I need to duplicate the text frame in the different positions and use suppression?


I'm a n00b, so I apologize in advance if this has been addressed already.:o Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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What did you wind up doing? Of the two options you suggested, I would assume the latter to be a better solution as I don't know of a way to physically move frames, although depending on your needs, you might be able to use tags to change the paragraph attributes if for instance you just need to change the margins.
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I ended up with 4 different frames in proper positions and used 4 different suppression rules. It seemed like a waste of frames and code, but it was the only way I could really figure out how to do it.


Basically, the frame I needed to move contained the unit of measure for an item being featured on a sign; I needed the uom to move around the price based on the length & style of the price ($2.99 - right, 2/$4 - left, 10/$10.99 - far left, etc).


It was a bit messy but got the job done. I would still love to know when moving the frame in a rule is an option so I can clean this up.

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I need a rule that will change a particular text frame's position depending on the value of a specific field. Is this possible or do I need to duplicate the text frame in the different positions and use suppression?

It's possible with FusionPro Server and the DIF Control API, but not directly with FP Desktop. However, you can use things like tables and repeatable components (template pages) to vary the position of text. Or you can have multiple frames and selectively suppress their output.

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It's possible with FusionPro Server and the DIF Control API, but not directly with FP Desktop. However, you can use things like tables and repeatable components (template pages) to vary the position of text. Or you can have multiple frames and selectively suppress their output.


I might check out tables and template pages more to see if those will work better. Thanks, Dan. :)

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