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Specific Bullet List Formatting


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I have a client that has a specific way in which their bullet points are to be formatted.



:: Bullet :: Bullet :: Bullet


Each bullet must have the 2 colons and space in front.


Is there anyway to send an error note or automatically reformat them if the user doesn't follow this format?


Please help! :)

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It might be necessary to see a sampling of your data to see what kind of input should be expected, but I think the following code should cover most scenarios:

//Replace "YOUR_FIELD" with name of your field (3x)
//search for first instance of alphanumeric character (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and returns index
var TrashCharsLength = Field("YOUR_FIELD").search(/\w/);

//determine length of field and subtract number of characters preceding "live" data 
var TextLength = Len(Field("YOUR_FIELD"));
var CleanedData = Right(Field(YOUR_FIELD), TextLength - TrashCharsLength);

//add correct "prefix" to "clean" data
var BulletedText = ":: " + CleanedData;

return BulletedText;

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Thank you - this is very close to what I need!


Next question: This coding changes the bullet format for the first entry to :: but the user is allowed to enter multiple bullets within the same field and I need the format to be changed in front of each one, not just the first.


Do I need to use separate fields for each bullet point and apply this rule?



:: Strength - Agility - Plyometrics

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Do I need to use separate fields for each bullet point and apply this rule?



:: Strength - Agility - Plyometrics

I was under the impression that each bullet was it's own field.


While we can use JS to replace a string of characters with another (i.e. swap " - " with ":: ") I don't know that we can account for all the possible scenarios that a user might choose to enter his data.

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