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Image rule with 2 Conditions


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Hi All:


I’m trying to write a variable graphic rule but having a bit of trouble with it. I have very little experience with javascript so please forgive me if any of this is simple.


I have a field in my data, lets call it “image” This image field contains the name of all the variable images I need for my document. Using the wizard I was able to set it up so that the images change based on that field (no problems, everything worked great!).


However the second condition I need met is where I’m having trouble. I have a second field, lets call it “align” that either has a “L” or “R”. I need two graphic boxes and if “L” appears in “align” I need the “image” to make the variable image in graphic box 1 (while making graphic box 2 blank) and if “R” appears in “align” I need the “image” to make the variable image in graphic box 2 (while making graphic box 1 blank).


The reason I’m doing it this way is with our previous software which ran through indesign this was a simple task/set up of turning on or off variable layers. The position of the graphic boxes are different because when we impose it up it comes together as a booklet (so one box is 2 inches to the right and one box is two inches to the left).


I hope that all makes sense, let me know if it doesn’t. If anyone has any advice or help it would be greatly appreciated!



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Create 2 Graphic rules, one for the L graphic box and 1 for the R graphic box:

L graphic box Rule

if (Field("align") == "L")

return Field(image");


return "";

R graphic box Rule

if (Field("align") == "R")

return Field(image");


return "";

Insert each rule into its respective frame and that should do it.
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