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Indesign CS3 plug-in for MAC and PC


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I was told that i can not put a FP plug-in on two computers without two licenses. This is a problem because my company uses a Vista PC and a OSX Mac for all different jobs. If we get a variable job that comes in on Indesign with a bunch of mac fonts, i can't open it on the vista pc that my FP is loaded on. Does anyone have advice on what i can do besides buy another license? Any input would be appreciated.
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We have not been using the non-Acrobat plugins for FusionPro since they do not seem to support transparency correctly. Instead, we generate a PDF using our own custom job options for the static elements and then add the variable data in Acrobat.


Using this method, we can use FusionPro exclusively on one platform. We use the Mac OS X platform which has no problem loading native PC TrueType (.ttf) and OpenType (.otf) fonts. In the event a PC job is using PostScript fonts, we use a separate font utility to create a Mac TrueType counterpart and confirm letter spacing is the same.

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Thanks for your help guys.

What font utility would you recommend to convert the MAC fonts to PC?


I've used CrossFont before, and it appears to function correctly.

Disclaimer: In no way do I endorse copyright infringement by duplicating fonts. In all instances you should purchase the appropriate font for your machine...


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