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Why is this wrong???


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FusionPro keeps giving me a syntax error and I'm so new at javascript I'm not seeing what is wrong! Help?



if (Len(Field("First Name")) < 2) return Field("First Name"); Field("Last Name");

else return Field("First Name")


If the first name is an initial, I want to return the first name (which would just be an intial with the last name. If there is a full first name, I want to return JUST the first name, no last name. Should the semicolons not be there or something?


I just do NOT understand code.


Update: Oh wait... I think I got it. I need to take out the semicolon and the second word "Field" so it's like this:


if (Len(Field("First Name")) < 2) return Field("First Name")("Last Name");

else return Field("First Name")


Nope. Sorry. Still need help. It's returning first and last name both regardless... *sigh*


Oh geez... my bad. I forgot to replace the rule in the edit text field. It works fine! Thanks for reading! LOL


Correction - It works except for one thing - I'm not getting a space between the first name initial and the last name. How do I get that? I added a space in with the space bar, but I assume I need something more?

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if (Len(Field("First Name")) < 2) return Field("First Name")("Last Name");

else return Field("First Name")


Try this:

if (Len(Field("First Name")) < 2) {
return Field("First Name") + " " + Field("Last Name");
return Field("First Name");

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That's what I forgot was the plus sign. I had tried the " " but didn't use the plus sign. That did it! Thanks!


Ok. So I have 3 fields of designations that go after a rep's name. There are 3 optional designations. If the second or third column in the csv file is empty, I don't want a comma at the end if the 3rd designation is empty. I don't have a clue where to even start on that rule.

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Ok. So I have 3 fields of designations that go after a rep's name. There are 3 optional designations. If the second or third column in the csv file is empty, I don't want a comma at the end if the 3rd designation is empty. I don't have a clue where to even start on that rule.

Building on Les' code:

var result = "";
var desig = [Field("Designation1"), Field("Designation2"), Field("Designation3")];
if (Len(Field("First Name")) < 2) {
  result = Field("First Name") + " " + Field("Last Name");
else result = Field("First Name");
for (i=0; i<desig.length; i++) {
  if (desig[i] != "") {
     result += ", " + desig[i];
return result;

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