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2 rule for one field


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Hello everyone,


I am very new to PTI and JavaScript. I am making a business card that needs to have 2 rules for one field. When someone enters there phone number "1234567891" into the phone number field I need that number to be changed to Tel: 1.234.567.8912 How do I go about making a rule that will add the periods and add or removed "Tel:" based on whether or not they decide to fill in the field on the business card. :confused:

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You just need one rule that does both checks. The question is whether when a value is passed, will it always be 11 digits? I'm thinking you need something that can handle multiple options. In this case, I took FusionPro's default phone formatting code and made some modifications based on your requirements:

var thisNumber = Field("Phone"); // your phone field here

// DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE /////////////////////////////////////////

var formatStyle01 = "$1.$2"; 			//simple 7 digit phone
var formatStyle02 = "$1.$2.$3";			//simple 10 digit phone
var formatStyle03 = "$1.$2.$3.$4";		//10 digit phone starts with 1
var formatStyle04 = "$1.$2.$3 ext.$4";		//10 digit phone with extension
var formatStyle05 = "$1.$2.$3.$4 ext.$5";	//10 digit phone starts with 1 with extension
var formatStyle06 = "$1.$2 ext.$3";		//7 digit phone with extension

function formatNumber(number01){

   var pattern01 = /^(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{4})$/;   						
   // 2201727 or 220-1727 or 220- 1727
var pattern02 = /^[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{4})$/;   				
   // 8002201727 or 800-220-1727 or (800)220-1727 or (800) 220-1727
var pattern03 = /^\+?(\d{1})[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{4})$/;   			
   // 18002201727 or 1-800-220-1727 or +1 (800) 220-1727
var pattern04 = /^[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{4})\D*[x#n]\D*(\d+)$/;		
   // 800-220-1727 ext 12345 or (800) 220-1727 ext 12345
var pattern05 = /^\+?(\d{1})[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{4})\D*[x#n]\D*(\d+)$/;	
   // 1-800-220-1727 ext 12345 or +1 (800) 220-1727 ext 12345
var pattern06 = /^(\d{3})[\D]*(\d{4})\D*[x#n]\D*(\d+)$/;   				
   // 2201727 ext 1234 or 220-1727 ext 1234 or 220- 1727 ext 1234
var patternEndExt = /(.)[x#n](.)/;
var patternStart1 = /^[\D]*[1]/;

	number01 = number01.replace(pattern01, formatStyle01);
	return number01;
} else if(number01.match(pattern02)){
	number01 = number01.replace(pattern02, formatStyle02);
	return number01;
} else if(number01.match(pattern03)){
	if (number01.match(patternStart1)){
		number01 = number01.replace(pattern03, formatStyle03);
		return number01;
	} else {
		return number01;
} else if(number01.match(pattern04)){
		number01 = number01.replace(pattern04, formatStyle04);
		return number01; 
} else if(number01.match(pattern05)){
		number01 = number01.replace(pattern05, formatStyle05);
		return number01;
}  else if(number01.match(pattern06)){
		number01 = number01.replace(pattern06, formatStyle06);
		return number01;
} else {
	//return "no match any pattern";
	return number01;

return "Tel: " + formatNumber(Trim(thisNumber));

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Here's what I use for most business cards. It allows you to put in a default area code in case the user only enters 7 digits. You could add this function to JavaScript Globals or right at the start of the rule.


function fixnum(nval)
   var n = nval.replace(/\D/g,"");
   var ac = "000"; //common areacode, use if 7 digit phone number entered

   var a = "(";
   var b = ") ";
   var c = "-";

   if (n.substring(0,1) == "1")
       n = n.substring(1);

   if (n.length < 8)
       n = ac + n;

   if (n.length > 9)
       return a + n.substring(0,3) + b + n.substring(3,6) + c +n.substring(6,10);
       return "";



So In your case you would want to change a, b, and c to this:


    var a = "Tel: 1.";
   var b = ".";
   var c = ".";



This is what your rule would be if you put the function in globals:


return fixnum(Field("Phone Number"));

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