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Adjust text to fit - changes text baseline

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Howdy All -


When using the overflow option - "Adjust text to fit" - using version 6.0p1f, on a small text field that is also aligned with other text fields to the left and right of the field - the adjustment to the font etc changes the baseline of the text.


How do you have fusion pro honor the bottom alignement / baseline that was set in the original text box?



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How do you have fusion pro honor the bottom alignement / baseline that was set in the original text box?

You could change the type of magnification in your OnCopyfit rule from the default "text" type to "textwidth" or "tracking". Or, since it's just a single line, you could try the CopyfitLine function instead.

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perfect - i was just thinking yesterday that i wonder why there are more options like that available.


i searched for the oncopyfit rule but didn't find that information in the users guide


it may be interesting to have those options in the plugin

box adjust font size?

box adjust width?

box adjust leading?



but doing it here worked about perfect - thanks!

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