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PPML Problems


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We've started using PPML as the export option because it was substantially faster than PDF.

This latest postcard of only 1700 though, the graphic doesn't look good. It doesn't gradate well and blacks don't appear true black but some blotchy kind of gray.

We can export as a PDF and it looks fine, however it is much slower. A chunk of 200 is taking about 90 minutes to RIP. It's a simple 8.5x5.5 postcard with only one static graphic and simple address variable - we use to fly through this faster, can't figure out why it's so slow and why the PPML won't work? Any easy ideas without seeing the file itself (a 993 KB PDF)?

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I'll guess you've got dropshadows over gradients in the artwork. Try flattening the art into a TIFF file so that the RIP isn't churning through PDF operations, I've had limited luck trying this when I've got an overly complex piece of art.
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:D Glad I could help.

I'm sure there's thousands of horror stories for prepress that have been caused by drop shadow & transparency issues in InDesign & Illustrator.


When in doubt, flatten everything. (But keep a copy of the original around just in case the client wants to make changes!)

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