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Applescript - ing dialogs of FusionPro

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Hello, I tried to write a script where I can recompose a document automatically. To start the recomposing works fine. After recomposition has been finished a dialog pops up, which I try to close with the following script:


tell application "System Events"
   tell process "FusionPro"
       click button "Close" of window "FusionPro Composition System"
   end tell
end tell

But the window still appears without an error message. Is anybody here who has done the same?


Thanks for your help


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Hi Dan

Of course, I can do. Currently I close the FusionPro application. If I want to work in a serial line, which means starting a job, when no other is running, this window is helpful. But I have seen, that I can check the button, which changes to "close" if the process is finished with the composition task.

Thanks Heiko

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