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Stop composition based on a RULE only


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Is there a way to stop composition on a SPECIFIC RULE rather than the minor, medium, and severe setting?


Or.... the following rule below, is there a statement that can stop composition if FusionPro finds a Social Security number or 9-digit numeric code in either field instead of skipping?



if (Field("Address Line 1").search(/\d{9}/) > -1 ||  Field("Address Line 2").search(/\d{9}/) > -1) {
  FusionPro.Composition.composeThisRecord = false;
  ReportWarning("Record #" + CurrentRecordNumber() + " was skipped because it may have a SS# in address field.");



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The rule you have will skip the invalid records. If you want to abort the composition entirely, you can set the "Abort on errors of this type" drop-down to either Minor or Medium, and then set "Select how to abort the job" to "Stop composition." This causes any call to the ReportWarning or ReportError function in JavaScript to invoke the abort. Be aware that other errors and warnings which may otherwise be benign may also invoke the abort with these settings.
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