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Unable to load PostScript fonts from registry

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I'm running Fusion Pro Designer 7.2P1d on vista and using Acrobat X Pro. I go to load fonts but I get the following error message in my fonts.err file


Unable to open registry to load PostScript fonts.

Try the 64-bit hive.

Unable to open registry to load PostScript fonts

Continue with other fonts

Unable to load PostScript fonts from registry

Continue with other fonts

Error loading True Type Font: Error opening output PFA file

*** Error 1; val 1 on tff_to_pfa_and_fnt() line 481 of .\ttfps.cpp


Do I need to un-stall and re-install Fusion Pro Designer?

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Doesn't it matter that no fonts a being collected into my printable/Fusion Pro/font folder?

Yes, that's a problem, but you didn't say that in your original post. So when you go into the Text Editor in FP Desktop, are there no fonts in the list there? If that's the case, please contact Support.

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