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NEED HELP....inserting text


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I tried searching for "text rule" or something, but :eek: there's alot of returns, and not a lot of help...


The issue is, I have two fields, a phone and an email. The actual text in the paragraph is as follows:


......contact me at (555) 555-5555 or someschmuck@duh.com.


Well, naturally the client apparently forgets to put in the email in their data, so it returns this:


......contact me at (555) 555-5555 or .


That looks pretty silly. Currently the "or" is typeset into the textbox. I'd like to put it in a rule so that when this happens, the "or" will be omitted when I check "suppress when empty".


Now that I think about it I'll probably need a rule for CustomLine01 (the phone number) because next time that'll be the one they omit.



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Give this a shot, put in your Field names:


if (Field("Email") == "")

return "contact me at " + (Field("Phone")+ ".");


return "contact me at " + (Field("Phone")+ " or " + (Field("Email")));

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You're right, you're going to want to account for all instances of "blanks" in the data so in addition to the email addresses you also want to have a rule for the phone numbers. Or you can put them all into one rule like this:


var result= "";

result += (Field("Phone") != "" || Field("Email") != "") ? "Feel free to contact me at " : "";
result += (Field("Phone") != "" ) ? Field("Phone") : "";
result += (Field("Phone") != "" && Field("Email") != "") ? " or " : "";
result += (Field("Email") != "" ) ? Field("Email") : "" ;

return result;


This way if both both fields are left blank, the entire sentence will not print. However, if just phone is populated it will return "Feel free to contact me at [phone]" and if just email is populated, it will return "Fee free to contact me at .

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This way if both both fields are left blank, the entire sentence will not print. However, if just phone is populated it will return "Feel free to contact me at [phone]" and if just email is populated, it will return "Fee free to contact me at .

More generalized:

function removeEmptyItems(inArray)
 var newArray = new Array();
 for (var i = 0; i < inArray.length; i++)
     if (inArray[i])
 return newArray;

var arr = removeEmptyItems([Field("Phone"), Field("Email")]);

return arr.length ? "Feel free to contact me at " + arr.join(" or ") : "";

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