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data field headings

Ellie Mae

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I have 4 separate letters pulling several different fields from unique data files. On the test runs, each file has the same headings on their data. Now we are going live with the first run and the headings in the data are slightly different. Is there an easy way to change the input file and bring in the new field headings with it or do I need to do so manually in my text editor with each of the new fields? I am thinking I will have to do so manually in the text editor?
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FusionPro generally expects the data field names to the be same from run to run, so yes, most likely you do need to modify the data file so that the fields names match what the template is expecting. This is pretty simple do to in any text editor, or you can use the Edit Flat File Data dialog in FP Desktop.


However, there are a couple of other options. See this post for details:


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