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trying to create a list using "," and/or "and"

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I am trying to set up a rule that would at most have 4 variables.

<Description 1>

<Description 1> and <Description 2>

<Description 1>, <Description 2> and <Description 3>

<Description 1>, <Description 2>, <Description 3> and <Description 4>


This would be the 4 options. If it doesn't meet criteria <Description 1> it would go to the next one until it matches the correct output.


Please help!:)

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The problem definition is pretty skinny...

Here is an example of a rule that has multiple options for dollar denominations.

There are a couple field options in the file and the Dollar might be full or cents.

This might give you some ideas.


if (Field("Savings") == "")

return "";

else if (Left(Field("Savings"),1) == "0" && Field("Qty-2for") != "")

return "Save " + Right(Field("Savings"),2) + "¢" + "<br>" + "on " + Field("Qty-2for");

else if (Left(Field("Savings"),1) == "0" && Field("Qty-2for") == "")

return "Save " + Right(Field("Savings"),2) + "¢";

else if (Left(Field("Savings"),1) != "0" && Field("Qty-2for") != "")

return "Save $" + Field("Savings") + "<br>" + "on " + Field("Qty-2for");

else if (Left(Field("Savings"),1) != "0" && (Right(Field("Savings"),2) != "00") && Field("Qty-2for") == "")

return "Save $" + Field("Savings");

else if (Left(Field("Savings"),1) != "0" && (Right(Field("Savings"),2) == "00") && Field("Qty-2for") == "")

return "Save $" + Left(Field("Savings"),1);

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var Var1 = "";
if (Field("Description 1")){Var1 += Field("Description 1");}
if (Field("Description 3")){Var1 += ", " + Field("Description 2");}
   else{if (Field("Description 2")){Var1 += " and " + Field("Description 2");}}
if (Field("Description 4")){Var1 += ", " + Field("Description 3");}
   else{if (Field("Description 3")){Var1 += " and " + Field("Description 3");}}
if (Field("Description 4")){Var1 += " and " + Field("Description 4");}
Var1 = Var1.replace(",  "," ").replace(", , ",", ");
return Var1;


This should work ok'ish. There's a few cases where it won't (like 1 being empty or 2 empty but 3 or 4 populated).

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I am trying to set up a rule that would at most have 4 variables.

<Description 1>

<Description 1> and <Description 2>

<Description 1>, <Description 2> and <Description 3>

<Description 1>, <Description 2>, <Description 3> and <Description 4>


This would be the 4 options. If it doesn't meet criteria <Description 1> it would go to the next one until it matches the correct output.


Please help!:)


Come on! No love for the oxford comma? Either way, I think something like this would work for you:

var a = [Field('desc1'), Field('desc2'), Field('desc3'), Field('desc4')].filter(String);
var b = a.pop();
return [a.join(', '),b].filter(String).join(' and ');



The problem definition is pretty skinny...

Here is an example of a rule that has multiple options for dollar denominations.

There are a couple field options in the file and the Dollar might be full or cents.

This might give you some ideas.


if (Field("Savings") == "")
return "";
else if (Left(Field("Savings"),1) == "0" && Field("Qty-2for") != "")
return "Save " + Right(Field("Savings"),2) + "¢" + "<br>" + "on " + Field("Qty-2for");
else if (Left(Field("Savings"),1) == "0" && Field("Qty-2for") == "")
return "Save " + Right(Field("Savings"),2) + "¢";
else if (Left(Field("Savings"),1) != "0" && Field("Qty-2for") != "")
return "Save $" + Field("Savings") + "<br>" + "on " + Field("Qty-2for");
else if (Left(Field("Savings"),1) != "0" && (Right(Field("Savings"),2) != "00") && Field("Qty-2for") == "")
return "Save $" + Field("Savings");
else if (Left(Field("Savings"),1) != "0" && (Right(Field("Savings"),2) == "00") && Field("Qty-2for") == "")
return "Save $" + Left(Field("Savings"),1);


I'm confused. That seems totally unrelated to this topic. But here's how I would handle that scenario:

return [Field("Savings"), Field("Qty-2for")]
 .map(function(s,p,a) {
   if (p)                         // If this is the quantity field, 
     return s ? 'on ' + s : '';   // prepend it with 'on ' if it's not empty.

   // Remove anything that isn't a decimal or a digit from the 'Savings' field
   // and format it to two decimal places so that it's easy to work with
   s = FormatNumber('0.00', StringToNumber(s.replace(/[^\d\.]/g,'')));

   return s*1 ?                    // Make sure the savings amount isn't 0.00
       'Save ' +                   // If it is, prepend 'Save ' to the return string
         (Math.floor(s) ?          // Is the savings greater than or equal to $1?
           '$' + Math.floor(s)     //   Prepend it with a dolla bill 
           : s * 100 + '¢')        // If it's less append a cent sign
         : '';                     // Return nothing if it's 0.00 (or empty)
 .filter(String)                   // Remove the empty strings
 .join('<br>')                     // join the remaining positions with a break tag
 .replace(/^o.*/,'');              // return nothing if the string starts with 'o'


And if you felt like it, you could make it a one-liner, though I feel like it loses a little bit of its readability that way:

return [Field("Savings"), Field("Qty-2for")].map(function(s,p,a){ if (p) return s ? 'on ' + s : ''; s = FormatNumber('0.00', StringToNumber(s.replace(/[^\d\.]/g,''))); return s*1 ? 'Save ' + (Math.floor(s) ? '$' + Math.floor(s): s * 100 + '¢') : '';}).filter(String).join('<br>').replace(/^o.*/,''); 

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