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Numbering Ordered NCR Stock

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Greetings all,I am attempting to print on NCR paper, which consists of four colors per set. Normally I use a 'CurrentRecordNumber' rule to number multiple pages, but with the NCR stock, I need to repeat the same image on each sheet and number each set the same, so that the first four pages are numbered "1," the next four pages are numbered "2," and so on. (Think receipt book)Normally, I could just manually copy each page 3 times in the composed PDF, but there's 1,000 pages. So I'm obviously looking for a short cut. Any ideas?(I am using FusionPro Desktop 7.1P1c on Windows 7)
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i have the same issue but with a slight twist...


i have 3 pages (all different, but all get the same number)


So i cant use these rules that are already out there...


I need the numbering to be 0001 for all 3 pages (body1,2,3)


then roll over the 0002...


if this makes sense...





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i have 3 pages (all different, but all get the same number)


So i cant use these rules that are already out there...


I need the numbering to be 0001 for all 3 pages (body1,2,3)


then roll over the 0002...


if this makes sense...


So you have a template that contains 3 body pages and you want each the record number to print on each of the body pages? Just put a text frame on each page that returns the "«$inputrecordnumber»" variable.


If you need the record number padded to four digits, create a rule (below) and place it in your 3 text boxes.

return FormatNumber("0000", FusionPro.Composition.inputRecordNumber);


FusionPro has a lot of built in variables, objects, and functions that make accessing this sort of information possible and you can learn more about their use through the "building blocks" pallet. In the "Rule Editor," select "Show Building Blocks" in the bottom left corner of the window. The "functions" and "objects" tabs at the top of that window will display a categorized list of built-in functionality that FusionPro has. For example:

Objects > FusionPro (Global) > Composition will list properties of the FusionPro.Composition object.


Drilling down further, you can access the inputRecordNumber:

Objects > FusionPro (Global) > Composition > Record numbers and control > inputRecordNumber will give you a description of the property (below) and give you the option of inserting it into your rule editor (by double-clicking or clicking the "insert" button).

Input record number as in the order of input, not counting repeated records and skipped records. Read-only.


Thumbing through those building blocks will give you an idea of other properties to use to adjust the rule to better fit your template. For example: if you're skipping records based on your data, you should probably use "FusionPro.Composition.outputRecordNumber" instead of "FusionPro.Composition.inputRecordNumber" to keep the numbering sequential.

Objects > FusionPro (Global) > Composition > Record numbers and control > outputRecordNumber

Sequence number of the current record after counting repeated records, excluding skipped records. Read-only.

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thanks got it with the default rule... thought because i had 3 body pages it would try to count up on each page... guess its been a while for a 3 page ncr with a non static 3rd page. usually we run it as a single page and then have the press print 3 copies uncollated...
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