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Page number on imposed pdf


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I am in the process of imposing (using FP Imposer) 1million individually coded duplex (common reverse) promotional cards (100mm wide x 70mm height) in a store specific order 'down the stack' - 24 up, stacks of 500 duplex 660x340 sheets (12000 records) creating .vps files.


Does anyone know of a way that the output sheets can be numbered as it is crucial that the stacks are printed, cut, stacked and bundled in order.


Thank you for your time



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The easiest way would be to put a small (potentially screened back) sequence number on the printed piece that production can reference to keep each unique piece in order. You can do this by created a text box, opening the text editor, and inserting the "$outputrecordnumber" variable. Or in a rule:

// Padded for 1,000,000 records
return FormatNumber("0000000",FusionPro.Composition.outputRecordNumber);


Putting a sequence number in the slug of the output file isn't really going to help much if the stacks get out of order on the knife. If you want to do that, though, you can click "Imposition" in the "Composition" window and check "Page Info" under "Page Marks" to print the page number in the output file. If you were running a newer version of FP (your sig says you're running 6.0), you could create a template page and use it as the background of your imposed sheet to gain a little more control over what prints on it.

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add a print sequence order to your data and then make it real small some where on the piece. we use the presort sequence number. using this sequence number makes life easier if your printer jams or if the pieces get cut wrong on the cutter and need to be redone. you wont have to guess or reprint the whole thing.
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