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Barcode Font Chk digit question


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We are exporting from Accuzip into FusionPro, using their barcode data field and using the PostNet font in FPD, everything looks great but it seems a leading and trailing "|" bar are missing, I have compared to USPS barcode on mail delivered to us.

Is there something on the input or font side we should be doing?


Obviously don't want the mail kicked back.


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Most barcodes require a "start/stop" character and so does the USPS Postnet. The font that we use has the "start/stop" in the character asterisk (*). All we have to do is put an asterisk in front and after the barcode. The other character we've seen in other barcode fonts using is the exclimation (!). Of course, please test this with yours to be sure it's working correctly.
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It seems between the users here and Accuzip, we were able to determine we need "*" asterisks at each end to create the code properly.

Not sure how it will translate into the intelligent one now :)



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