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Using Opentype fonts glyphs


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My customer is using DinPro regular and want to use the stylistic set 1 of the @ (at sign). I can select the correct one in the glyphs palette in Indesign CS4 on the MAC. The default keeps coming up in acrobat when exporting using Fusion. I can't find the key command for it so I could type it in Fusion. I've looked and the ASCII code says they are both 0040. I checked the FSI FontShop International, the font company, and no luck with any info. I was going to do a find and replace in a rule, but I don't know what to replace it with. So far this is what I have for my rule:

return ReplaceSubstring(Field("Email"), "@", "????????"

Does anyone know how to find out what to use for the stylistic Set 1 of an opentype font? Thanks for your help.

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FusionPro does not support stylistic sets. ASCII character 0x40 (64 decimal) is the @ symbol, so there's nothing to replace it with. If you can get the stylized character glyph from another font, you could use an <f name=***> tag to access that other font.


If you want to send the font to Support, we can take a look at it, and perhaps consider an enhancement in a future release. Please do not post proprietary fonts to this public forum.

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Here is my solution for this problem. First I opened the DINPro font in fontographer and copied the glyph for the version of the "@" I wanted. Created a new font and pasted it into the default location, where you would press shift+2, and exported out the font. Converted it to true type font and put it into my system. I then had to create a small variable text box and put in the correct "@" using the new font I just created. Wrote my rule to replace the current "@" and switch it out for the new "@". My rule, where Untitled-Regular is the new font I created (I had to download a demo of fontographer and it wouldn't let me name it):

return ReplaceSubstring(Field("Email"),'@', '<span font="Untitled-Regular" pointsize=8>@</span>');

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