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transparent images in JPG and EPS format


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Im having trouble with transparent images with clipping paths. We use JPG and EPS-images with clipping paths from our customers. When I try to use these images with FusionPro it will not be transparent. It looks great in Indesign but when I make my template in FusionPro Server the images is not transparent. Some pictures gets grey, some will be black and white for some reason. :confused:


I have tried converting the images to PDFs, that will work but not the JPG and EPS images.


We are using the images from a imagebank so there is some solution to get these images to work in FusionPro.

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I would make the images transparent first in Photoshop then run in FusionPro. I do not believe FusionPro can handle your request(graphic box set with transparency in InDesign).


If you have a lot of images, run a script or batch on the images using Photoshops Automated programming.

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FusionPro does support transparency in GIF, EPS, and PDF graphics, if the graphic contains transparent pixels. However, it does not support clipping paths.


You might want to try FP Expression, which has better support for clipping and masking, and integrates into FusionPro.

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