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Hidden Page Content & FP Imposer


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Hi, for years now I have been using Acrobat combined with the Quite Imposition Pro plug in to do any and all impsotion tasks. One of the great features with Quite is that if you are imposing a PDF that has been cropped (which we all know since version 5 doesn't really crop anything, it just masks it from view.......stupid) and you only want to use the viewable content and omit the cropped area, there was an option you could check to not include the bleed area and it would work just the way you would expect it to. However I am now trying to use FusionPro Imposer (FPI) for the first time and don't see any way to produce this kind of result from a FP'd PDF that was originally cropped to finish size. I have got days of development into this PDF (only because I am new to this and not very good at it yet) and don't want to start all over with a brand new PDF file. Has anyone figured out a solution for this?
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